- Everett High School
- World Language Assessment
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2023-24 EHS World Language Assessment
WLA Registration
Students can sign up for the World Language Assessment with the EHS Treasurer, next to the A-Building Main Office. A completed registration form and payment are required prior to test day!
Registration costs $10 for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders but is free for 12th graders, thanks to our GEAR-UP program! Financial support is available for students with CEP/Free & Reduced Lunch and KIT status.
A student must be able to read, write, speak, and understand the language they want to test in! By signing the Student Registration Form, students confirm this is true and agree to show up for this voluntary test on time.
- High school World Language credits earned are based on the test's lowest-scoring section.
- For example, if you cannot write a language but can fluently read, speak and understand it, you will fail the writing section and not earn any credits.
- Biliteracy is required, as the test instructions and questions are provided in English.
Test Dates
Everett High School will give the World Language Assessment on two dates in the 2023-24 school year:
- Thursday, November 30th, 2023 - 7:30 AM in room B218
- Wednesday, December 13th, 2023 - 7:30 AM in room B218
After these dates, there will not be any additional WLA offered at EHS until fall 2024!
Absences and Make-up Testing
Students' absences from regular classes while testing will be excused as "academic-related" with 24 hours of test.
There will not be any make-up testing offered unless a student has an excused absence. Students in Sno-Isle, Running Start, or other off-campus programs must arrange with their course instructors to be at EHS for the duration of testing.
What is the World Language Assessment?
A language proficiency exam which measures student fluency in a non-English language for the purpose of awarding students up to 4.0 high school credits of World Language as well as the Seal of Bilteracy on their high school diploma.
Any language is available to test - the district will make every effort to locate an applicable assessment, but please note that languages which are less commonly spoken in the U.S. may require additional time to locate a test.
The type of test a student takes is determined by the language they are testing in (see below), but the total credits earned are based on the lowest-scoring section in both cases.
- Computer-based test with different sections for reading, writing, speaking, listening.
- Pen/paper test combined with an oral interview.
Who should take the World Language Assessment?
Students in 7th through 12th grade who can fluently read, write, speak, type and listen in a non-English language.
What if a student does not pass the World Language Assessment?
"Not passing" means the student did not earn any high school credits in World Language but otherwise, there is no penalty. The WLA is not a graduation requirement itself, but earning 2.0 credits of World Language is part of the Core24 credits students must earn as part of Washington state high school graduation requirements.
Students may retake the WLA as many times as necessary, but Everett Public Schools only subsidizes each student's $10 registration fee once per year. A student must pay the full cost of the test ($20-130, specific to each language) if they want to attempt it again within the same school year.
How will credits earned through the World Language Assessment be added to student transcripts?
Students/families need to sign/date the district letter which was sent after the WLA, then return it to the student's counselor or registrar in order for their earned credits to be added to their transcript. Note the credit will be awarded with a Satisfactory (S) grade and cannot be removed once placed on the student's transcript.
If a student took the WLA at a school outside of the Everett School District, please complete district form 2415P and provide the original official WLA score reports to the Everett HS registrar. Note the credit will be awarded with a Satisfactory (S) grade and cannot be removed once placed on the student's transcript.