- Henry M. Jackson High School
- Track and Field
Track & Field - Cross Country
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Order of Events for WESCO Track Meets
In any running event, athletes are disqualified if they false start even once.
Significant high school level marks are shown in ( ).
Events (start at 3:30)
What does it take to be top 100 in WA state?
Girls 3200
Eight laps. Starter may recall the start if anyone is knocked down in the first 100 meters of the race. Girls (11:55)
Boys 110 High Hurdles
Athletes must make honest effort to clear each hurdle, but
there is no penalty for knocking any or even all of them down. First to the finish line wins. (15.9)16.6
Girls 100 High Hurdles
Same as above - (16.9)
Boys 100
Plain and simple - Fastest one wins. Boys (11.3) Girls (12.9)
Girls 100
Boys 1600
Four laps around the track. Last lap is the key. (4:29)
Girls 1600
About 12 yards short of a mile. (5:29)
Boys 4 x 100 relay
Team must pass baton within 20 meter zone marked by yellow triangles. Dropped baton may be picked up by the athlete who dropped it. Quickest exchange usually wins. (44.9)
Girls 4 x 100 relay
See above - (51.9)
Boys 400
One of the toughest events in track and field. Watch them gut it out down the home stretch. A real test of fitness, toughness and character. One lap in lanes. Boys(52.0) Girls (62.0)
Girls 400
Boys 300 Low Hurdles
Another of the tough events. That last hurdle can seem really high when you're exhausted. (41.9)
Girls 300 Low Hurdles
Hurdles around the corner -same rules as the high hurdles.48.9
Boys 800
Two laps. Runners stay in lanes around the 1st corner then cut for the inside. This race is now seen as more of a sprint than a distance race. Watch on the back stretch of lap 2 and see who makes their move first. Did they catch the others by surprise or move too early? Boys (1:59) Girls (2:25)
Girls 800
Boys 200
Half a lap in lanes. A test of speed and strength. Watch them sprint off the corner. Boys (27.0) Girls (23.0)
Girls 200
Boys 3200
Eight laps. Starter may recall the start if anyone is knocked down in the first 100 meters of the race. Boys (9:50)
Girls 4 x 200 relay
First lap is run in lanes; baton must be passed in zones marked
by triangles. Third runner may cut in to lane one after she gets the baton. (1:51)1:55
Boys 4 x 400 relay
Each runner runs one lap. The first runners run in lanes all the way. When the baton is passed, the outgoing runner may cut in to lane one provided he has two strides on the next runner. Often times this race will determine the outcome of the meet. Boys (3:31) Girls (4:14)
Girls 4 x 400 relay
§ Field Events start at 3:30and multiple field events will run concurrently
§ In many cases field events are held out of the stadium so fans need to move out of the stands to effectively view the field event athletes.
§ All athletes get 3 attempts, and then the top athletes make the finals and get three more attempts.
§ All 6 attempts count. Significant high school marks are shown in ( )
Field Events
What does it take to be top 100 in WA state?
Girls Discus
Girls throw first, then boys. Athlete can enter the ring from anywhere, but must leave from the back half of the circle. A foul throw occurs when the discus is thrown out of the sector or the athlete touches outside the ring at any time during the throw. Boys discus weighs 1.6 kilos (3.5 lbs), girls weighs 1kilo (2.2 lbs). (Boys 140? Girls 105?)
Boys Shot put
Boys throw first, then girls. Throw must begin with the shot against the neck. Two styles - the glide and the rotation. Boys shot weighs 12 lbs, girls weighs 4 kilos (8.8lbs) (Girls 35'Boys 47')
Girls Long Jump
Girls jump in one pit, boys jump in another. Must take off without going over end of toe board. Distance is measured from the end of the toe board to the closest mark made in the sand.
(Boys 20'6 Girls 16')
Boys Long Jump
Boys High Jump
Boys jump first, then girls. Athlete gets three tries to clear each height and may also pass at any height. Highest height cleared with fewest misses, wins. (Boys 6'2 Girls 5')
Girls Pole Vault
Same miss rules as high jump. Bar is raised 6 inches at a
time. (Girls 7'6 Boys 12'6 )7'6
Boys Javelin
Boys throw first, then Girls. Much harder than it looks. Requires a lot of technique to get the javelin to fly straight, and a lot of power to throw it far. (Boys 160'Girls 100')
These events follow the completion of like event above
Boys Discus
Girls Shot Put
Girls Triple Jump
Begins after the long jump is over. The running hop, step and jump. Same foul rules as the long jump. (Girls 33? Boys 41?)
Boys Triple Jump
Girls High Jump
Boys Pole Vault
Boys Javelin
Disclaimer – Descriptions of events comes from Lake Stevens Coach, however the Snohomish Coach said they stole them from him.