- Everett Public Schools
- Welcome
Sharma, Audrey
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Welcome to another fantastic year!
I am very excited to be working with your child this year and am looking forward to a year full of learning, growth, and development. Here you will find some helpful links and activities that you can do at home to help enhance your child's skill development. Stay safe and Healthy!
During the current school closure, due to the coronavirus, the Everett School District OT/PT department has compiled resources to support you and your child in maintaining a healthy and vital lifestyle by providing fine, gross and sensori-motor materials and links. Please refer to the Everett School District main website Student Page and search under Learning Engagement in the blue column on the left side. This link will get you there: https://www.everettsd.org/Page/31233 The OT/PT resources are in Special Programs. Elementary IEP resources should come up under the box after the Special Programs box is launched.
Physical Therapist
Hawthorne Elementary: 425-385-4662
Child Find: : 425-385-5777
North Middle School : 425-385-4800