- Everett Public Schools
- Celebrations

Everett Public Schools is focused on inspiring students to achieve and thrive. This work is based on our seven CORE VALUES – Respect, Learning, Equity, collaboration, Passion, Integrity, and Diversity.
January 2025 Core Value: Passion
Student Name
Why they were nominated
Cedar Wood
Arlette Lopez Lebaron
Arlette comes to school passionate about learning and being a great friend and student. She is always ready to share her connections and ideas. Arlette shows such gusto for school.
Abubacarr Darboe
Abubacarr is eager, enthusiastic, driven, persistent, whole-hearted, composed, dedicated, devoted, and unselfish. He exhibits passion every day and is an excellent role model for others.
Forest View
Ayana Kapuruge
Ayana puts all of her effort into every task she is given. She is creative and expands our classroom conversations with her perspective. Her passion for life and learning makes our school and class an engaging place.
Imogene Youngblood
Imogene is here every day with enthusiasm and excitement to learn! She raises her hand energetically, participates respectfully in all learning activities, and inspires everyone around her to learn. Imogene exemplifies the Core Value of passion for learning.
This student is passionate about learning, growing, performing, and doing the right thing every day at school. He helps make our school a better place. Thank you, Kai!
Cain Schmidt
Cain is very passionate about learning. He is actively engaged in all lessons. He even goes home and thinks about things and asks more questions.
Kian Nguyen
Kian demonstrates a passion for learning both inside and outside the classroom. He is a positive contributor to every group he is a part of and consistently shares his enthusiasm for learning with peers and staff alike.
Dylan Jones
Dylan's passion for learning truly sets her apart. Her hard work and dedication are evident in everything she does. She thrives when engaging with new concepts and challenges. She also shows a remarkable love of reading books. Her enthusiasm for exploring new stories and authors is truly inspiring, and she often shares her thoughts and insights with her peers, fostering a love of literature within the classroom.
This student has a great passion for reading. She is always reading a book. Sometimes, I even see her sneakily reading during other activities. She cannot put books down!
Mill Creek
Clementine Heck
Clementine is a very dedicated and passionate student. Her positivity creates a fun atmosphere, which sets the tone for the whole class. Her attitude is contagious, and it inspires others to learn, even if they don’t realize it. Clementine not only cares deeply about her own learning but also about the educational experience of her classmates. It has been an honor to have such an amazing student in class.
Anna O'dea
Anna consistently works to her current ability level, never giving up and embracing any challenge that presents itself. She is kind to all, warm, and ready to offer a helping hand and welcoming smile. She is a "go-to" girl in that if something needs to be done in our classroom, not only does she anticipate class community needs, but she is always willing to step up. Anna is a champion!
Penny Creek
Vladislav Yaskovets
Vlad exudes passion in all he does. We can count on him to always enter our classrooms with a smile and an eagerness to help and be involved. Vlad greets each new challenge with enthusiasm and joy. We are especially proud of Vlad’s passionate leadership when it comes to assisting with the set-up of equipment for end-of-day procedures. His commitment helps make Penny Creek a better place!
Port Gardner K-12
Lucy Weiser
Lucy consistently shows passion throughout the school day. Whether she is learning or playing, she is engaged and motivated in all that she does. She enthusiastically participates in discussions, group projects, and independent learning. Her passion adds so much to our Port Gardner community!
Silver Firs
Druhin Juneja
Druhin is inquisitive and full of wonder. He always adds interesting details to our discussions and asks questions to expand his thinking. He consistently works hard to do his personal best and is eager to help/support others. He is an outstanding cooperative learner.
Silver Lake
Jaithra Sadhanala
Jaithra demonstrates passion in many endeavors she takes on. She enthusiastically approaches her education and always works hard in class and across the school. Whether she is working on a math problem or doing a science experiment, her energy and passion for learning are palpable.
Tambark Creek
Ethan Jerin
Ethan arrives at his speech session excited and ready to learn. He shows a passion for learning by asking questions and wanting to understand his instruction and the material presented to him. I am impressed by his strong, inquisitive nature every time I've worked with him. I look forward to listening to his thoughtful, insightful questions!
View Ridge
Jackson Hunter
Jackson demonstrates passion in his daily learning. He is dedicated to doing his best and pushes himself to exceed what is often expected. The joy he finds when he accomplishes a task brings a smile to his face and mine (Mrs. Peterson).
Mayte Lopez Rodriguez
Mayte demonstrates passion daily at Whittier. She is always up for a new academic challenge, helps peers, and models passion through her learning to do her best.
Danil Borysonok
Danil is new to Woodside and very enthusiastic about his learning environment. He comes to school excited to explore the classroom and interact with the staff and classmates.
Lillian Duckworth
Lillian is a model student in every capacity. She works fantastically with others, is conscientious about her work, and, above all, is one of the kindest humans I have ever taught. She exemplifies passion, and whether with a partner or group, she makes everyone feel validated.
Romero Hernandez
Romero is passionate about learning, sports, and serving other students through his role in ASB. He expresses his passion for education when he makes the morning announcements and throughout the day.
Raye Finley
Raye is a conscientious and motivated student who constantly looks at the people and the world around them to try and make everyone feel included and involved. Raye is the kind of student who will reach out to a student who is being ignored or picked on to help them feel safe and a part of the community. Raye is passionate about helping others by supporting and educating them, particularly in relation to aspects of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Charie Chang
Charie regularly devotes extra hours after school, fueled by an eagerness to deepen their knowledge and refine their skills. Their contagious enthusiasm creates a collaborative environment, inspiring peers to embrace innovative ideas.
Vincent Taylor
Vincent demonstrates an exceptional passion for learning, especially music. He goes above and beyond to learn any and all instruments available to him, compose his own music, join orchestras beyond our school orchestra, and create new ensembles with his fellow students.
Trina Diep
Trina leads DECA, NHS, and Key Club and excels at all three. Her passion for Cascade and her fellow students is evident in her hundreds of hours volunteering and helping her community. We are so lucky to have Trina in the Bruin family!
Anthony Reyes
Anthony displays passion in all that he does. As a four-year NJROTC cadet and leader, he has acquired more ribbons, medals, and accolades than you can count while providing leadership to Seagull Company. As a student leader, he supports all school activities. He is passionate about learning via Running Start, College in the High School, and AP.
Jackson High
Arden Kaylor
Arden has an excellent sense of self. Her strength comes from knowing who she is and recognizing what inspires and motivates her. Her passion is evident in the way she creates her work of art. Her style is unique, but her enthusiasm drives her forward and pushes her to take risks and challenges during the creative process. Only confident people can do that. It is inspiring and refreshing to witness that in a young artist.
Vanessa Piveral Covarrubias
Vanessa is deeply focused on her beliefs of healthcare equity and justice in the healthcare system. She finds ways to incorporate these beliefs into many subjects and is focused on addressing them in the future.
Sequoia GOAL Program
Christian Aguiar
Christian’s vibrant energy shines brightly as he shares his enthusiasm for everything from new movies and voice acting to My Little Pony, landing his first job, and dreams of owning a mansion. He pours his heart and soul into crafting spot-on voice impressions from iconic scenes in media, effortlessly bringing smiles to everyone around him. Christian's passion and creativity radiate like a beacon of light, exuding a brilliance and authenticity that are truly unmatched!
January - PASSION: Check out the list of students being recognized for the core value of passion.
December - COLLABORATION: Here is the list of students being recognized for demonstrating the core value of collaboration.
November - EQUITY: Check out the list of students being recognized for the core value of equity.
October - LEARNING: Here is the list of students being recognized for demonstrating the core value of learning.
September - RESPECT: Check out the list of students their school recognizes for demonstrating respect.