District Facilities Rental

  • Facility use submissions for the 2024-25 school year can be submitted as of September 1.

    Everett Public School facilities are available for use by a wide variety of community groups in accordance with the district’s School Board Policy 4333, and Procedure 4333P, and as noted below.

    Community use of facilities may be limited, reduced, or canceled at any time by the district for any reason in its sole discretion. For example, this may occur if/when district facilities are needed to respond to district program requirements, community food service or daycare program needs, custodial staffing needs, custodial staffing shortages, assistance for governmental health agencies, or emergencies such as COVID-19.

    Outdoor Facilities

    Outdoor facilities are generally open for community use after school hours unless needed for school activities. This includes athletic fields, playfields, tracks, covered play areas, playgrounds, and play equipment, and unscheduled, occasional use of outdoor facilities is also allowed. Grass fields throughout the district may be closed at certain times when undergoing regularly scheduled grounds renovation activities such as aerating, thatching, fertilizing, and overseeding.

    Indoor Facilities

    Select indoor facilities are available for community use as follows, except when needed for school activities. All community use of indoor facilities must be scheduled and approved in advance by the Community Services Department.

    Cafeterias, libraries, gymnasiums and Community Resource Center conference rooms are available for community use. Classrooms are not available for community use.

    The Everett Civic Auditorium is available for community use Monday through Sunday when not in use by the district.

    • Monday - Friday: 3 p.m. - 9 p.m.
    • Saturday: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
    • Sunday: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

    Facility use should be requested no later than two weeks prior to your desired use start date, to allow time for processing.

    Seasonal athletic facility use requests are not scheduled through the online scheduling system.  Instructions and all forms needed can be found on the Athletic Field/Gym Seasonal Page

    For facility use of Everett Memorial Stadium and Lincoln Field, please contact the Athletics Department at 425-385-4261 for scheduling.

    Community Services after-hours emergency call: 425-923-6336

    Comments (-1)
  • Shanai Cole - Supervisor

    Email: scole2@everettsd.org

    Phone: 425-385-4046

    Jillian Ramirez - Administrative Support Specialist

    Email: jramirez@everettsd.org

    Phone: 425-385-4045