- Henry M. Jackson High School
- College & Career Preparedness
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- 8th Grade Family Night: March 5, 2025
- Incoming JHS 9th Gd. (Class of 2029) Registration & FAQ's
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- High School & Beyond Family Event: Oct. 9, 2024
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Community College Search:
www.sbctc.edu For information on WA state colleges based on your goals, interests and location
4-Year College/University Searches:
https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/college-search?navid=gh-cs: A college search site provided by The College Board.www.petersons.com Your guide to college information. This site provides: step by step timelines, essay help, test prep, scholarship searches, information on how to pay for college, etc.www.projectopportunity.net For information on: Essays, Scholarships, Standardized tests, Planning, Calendars, Interviews, Grants & majors, Resumes, and more (Spanish version provided)www.college.gov This site is being built by the U.S. Department of Education in collaboration with students to help you reach your college dream.
www.questbridge.org - QuestBridge is a non-profit program that links bright, motivated low-income students with educational and scholarship opportunities at some of the nation's best colleges. QuestBridge is the provider of the National College Match Program and the College Prep Scholarship.
http://www.princetonreview.com/colleges-majors.aspx?uidbadge=%07 It's not about getting into the best college ... It's about getting into the best college for you. When you find a great fit, you'll find colleges want you just as much as you want them.
http://www.collegeview.com/collegesearch/index.jsp - With CollegeView you can: Request information from multiple schools, compare schools side by side, enter to win one of two $1,000 scholarships, view a list of colleges by state, and much more!