- Henry M. Jackson High School
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- AP Exam Information 2024-25
Wondering when to take the PSAT, SAT and ACT?
9th grade - Some 9th graders choose to take the October PSAT to better understand college placement exams. See below information about how to sign-up.10th grade - Everett Public Schools usually gives the PSAT to all 10th graders in October. These results help students better understand how to prepare for the SAT/ACT and will link students up with the College Board "My College QuickStart" program.11th grade - Students should take the PSAT in October (National Merit Scholars are determined via 11th grade results). Then, during late winter and in the spring, we recommend students take both the SAT and ACT (more information is noted below and on the SAT & ACT webpages). Everett Public Schools will be providing the SAT to all 11th graders in the spring.12th grade - From September through December, many seniors choose to retake either the SAT and/or ACT to see if they can improve their scores before college/university application deadlines.SAT OR ACT Which one is right for you?
PSAT Test InformationThe practice test for the SAT. Usually taken during 10th and/or 11th grade.National Merit Scholars are determined via 11th grade results.Test Preparation: The Khan Academy has worked with the College Board to provide free preparation for the PSAT and the new SAT
SAT & ACT Prep Courses from SAT PrepTo review the SAT and ACT prep course dates, visit: SATPrep.orgA portion of the SAT Prep registration fee goes to support students through the Jackson High PTSA.Free SAT Prep & Practice
Recently, the creators of the SAT have given Kahn Academy exclusive access and advice to build a personalized SAT practice program for all students. The tools are free and available now for every student to own their learning and their future. Click here to register and learn more.
SAT Test InformationVisit www.collegeboard.org to sign up and pay for the SATStudent Search Service
The Student Search Service is a free program through College Board that helps students get connected with colleges, universities and non-profit scholarship agencies. If you opt in, you are allowing more than 1,100 colleges to send you information about their programs, admission criteria and financial aid. You will need to send in a student data questionnaire to participate. The questionnaires and an information booklet are available in the counseling office. For more information about the voluntary service visit the following link: https://student.collegeboard.org/student-search-service/what-it-is
ACT Test InformationVisit www.actstudent.org to sign up and pay for the ACTCheck out the "Test Prep" link for practice test questions!TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)The TOEFL test accurately measures how well students can read, listen, speak and write in English, in the college or university classroom.Visit: www.ets.org/toeflADVANCED PLACEMENT
Jackson High School is hosting an AP Information night (typically) in March. We will be providing information about the large number of AP classes being offered next school year. You’ll also have the opportunity to speak with individual teachers who can answer your questions about what programs might be the best fit for your students. The Capstone diploma will be highlighted during the introduction portion of the evening. Come join us!
AP Course Pathways
CollegeBoard Website
Plan for your Capstone Diploma
An Introduction to the AP Capstone Program (PowerPoint)
ASVABThe Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is the most widely used multiple-aptitude test battery in the world. As an aptitude test, the ASVAB measures your strengths, weaknesses, and potential for future success. The ASVAB also provides you with career information for various civilian and military occupations and is an indicator for success in future endeavors whether you choose to go to college, vocational school, or a military career.The ASVAB is usually offered twice a year at Jackson.Contact Mr. Dahlke in the Career Center for more information.The ASVAB can also be accessed via our local Military Recruiting Offices.