- Henry M. Jackson High School
- Incoming JHS 9th Gd. (Class of 2028) Registration & FAQ's
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- Incoming JHS 9th Gd. (Class of 2028) Registration & FAQ's
- Academic & Study Assistance
- Graduation Requirements & Course Planning
- High School & Beyond Family Event: Oct. 9, 2024
- Running Start
- PE Competency Process
- High School & Beyond (Naviance)
- High School Diploma Options
- College & Career Preparedness
- Transcripts
- Career Center
- Parent Resources
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- AP Exam Information 2024-25
Welcome to JHS ~ Class of 2028!
Below is the 8th Grade Registration Schedule, Registration Materials, and FAQ's to assist with your transition to the 9th grade.
Helpful resources as you request your classes:
Watch the "How to HAC" Video to learn how to request classes using Home Access Center
Graduation Checklist Worksheet
9th Grade Registration Worksheet
9th Grade 2024-25 Pre-Reg. Form
High School Course Options (Advanced Placement, College in the HS, Running Start) Video
March 12 - Heatherwood students receive Pre-Reg lesson with JHS Counselors
March 13 - Gateway students receive Pre-Reg lesson with JHS Counselors
- March 19 at 6:30pm - 8TH GRADE FAMILY NIGHT (JHS gym)
March 20 (Wednesday) - Heatherwood families are scheduled for Transition meetings to review & complete 9th grade course requests
March 27 (Wednesday) - Gateway families are scheduled for Transition meetings to review & complete 9th grade course requests
When? TBD (typically the Tuesday after Labor Day), 8 AM - 1 PM
Where? JHS Gym
What? Tour campus, meet your LINK Leaders, connect with other freshmen
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Freshman Schedule
Q: How will I request my courses for next school year?
A: 9th grade students will be working with their middle school counselors to enter course information into their Home Access Center (HAC) account. Students should use the registration worksheets as a guide and learn about courses via the Course Catalog & by attending 8th Grade Family Night at JHS. Paper copies of registration worksheets will not be accepted. Course requests must be completed in HAC.
Q: We are NEW to the area, when can we enroll our student?
A: If you will be living in the JHS area (and have a JHS area address), we can pre-register your student for the upcoming school year. Contact our JHS Counseling Secretary to talk through this process!
Q: When will students get their schedule?
A: Student schedules are posted in HAC before school begins (typically at the end of August), and 9th graders are able to see where their classes are held during Freshman Orientation.
Q: Will my student have summer homework?
A: Most of our classes do not have summer homework. In fact, the only class that freshmen can take that does have optional summer homework is AP Environmental Science. In late May/early-June, the summer homework will be posted on the Jackson website for students to access.
Q: Do we offer "zero hour" periods at Jackson?
A: We do offer very limited courses in zero hour. Students can audition to be in Jazz Choir and Jazz Ensemble. Students can also run for an ASB office, in which case they will be enrolled in ASB Leadership. There are no other zero-hour course offerings.
Q: How do I access NJROTC (or other unique programs) that are offered at one of the other high schools?
A: These are handled on a case by case basis and the conversation should start with your middle school counselor who will then connect you to your high school counselor.
Q: What are electives?
A: Electives are any course you take after you have met the minimum credit requirement in a subject. For example, if you have earned 3.0 credits of math and take a 4th credit, that 4th math class then becomes an "elective." Students are required to take 4.0 credits in electives before they graduate. Most students will get these credits completed during their junior and senior years.
Q: What is PPR?
A: PPR is a personal pathway requirement. Essentially, it is a course that connects to your high school and beyond plan. When students complete their yearly Naviance High School & Beyond Plan Survey, they are asked to indicate if a course is being used as a "personalized pathway" within their High School and Beyond Plan. An example would be a student that takes an extra science course because the student wants to major in science in college, or a student who attends Sno-Isle to receive training in a specific career area.
Q: Do I have to take PE1 and Family Health as a freshman, or can I wait to take the course later?
A: PE1 and Family Health are typically freshman year courses. PE1 is a required to be completed before taking any other PE course. Family Health is also a graduation requirement. Some students have elected to take these courses over the summer or online to free up space to take something else.
Q: May I take two math classes concurrently?
A: No, our math classes are built sequentially and must be taken in order as each class builds on the foundations of the one previous. Our current math trajectory is as follows. Algebraic Concepts -> Geometry in Application -> Advanced Algebraic Concepts. After completing the 3rd year of high school math, students may elect to take different math courses depending on their post-high school plan.
Q: Can I take math over the summer to get ahead?
A: Technically, this is an option, but students and families should give this very careful thought. Most students will have a difficult time getting through an entire year of content in just 6 weeks. Our math teachers have generally advised against it. Due to the layout of JHS's yearlong classes, if a student only completes a semester of math over the summer, they will need to retake the full year of math before moving on to the next level.
High School and Beyond Planning
Q: Does Washington State History count for credit, and can it count in meeting the Social Studies Elective requirement?
A: When students pass Washington State History, it meets the graduation requirement of taking a Washington State History course. If students elect to keep the course/credit (and grade earned) on their high school transcript, it will also count as a Social Studies Elective.
Q: I see that Digital Photography counts for both CTE and Visual & Performing (V&P) Art. Do I get credit in both areas?
A: No, courses like Digital Photography and Graphic Design can be designated to count towards either a CTE or a V & P Art, but not both.
Q: I'm in 8th grade, but I am currently enrolled in High School courses. Can I add those high school courses to my transcript?
A: For the Classes of 2024+, high school level classes taken in middle school will automatically be uploaded onto the student's high school transcript. Students will have through their junior year to elect how or if those courses are noted on their high school transcript. All changes are final and can only be done once. Questions about a student's high school transcript can be answered by the JHS Registrar.
Q: How do I indicate my plan to participate in the Running Start program in my 4-year plan?
A: We suggest that students plan their 4-year plan without including Running Start. As students get closer to being eligible for the Running Start program (a program available to Juniors & Seniors), they can work with their high school counselor to know what classes can be taken via Running Start to complete high school graduation requirements.
Q: What is AP Capstone?
A: AP Capstone is a unique and challenging program that affords students an opportunity to receive a special designation upon graduation and when applying to college. More information and requirements can be found in the Course Catalog.
Q: Can I take the same PE class after I take PE 1?
A: Many of our PE classes (as well as other courses) are repeatable for credit. Please refer to the Course Catalog to learn which courses allow for that option.
Getting Involved at Jackson:
Q: Can freshmen participate in clubs and sports?
A: YES! Freshmen are highly recommended to get involved in clubs, sports and activities. We encourage students to look at the webpage & reach out to club/activity advisors if you have further questions.
Freshman Orientation
Q: What is Freshman Orientation and what is Link Crew?
A: Freshman Orientation is held the day before school starts, and is run by a group of upperclassman that are part of a leadership club called Link Crew. Freshmen will see where their classes are located, get a tour of the school, connect with current JHS students and get to meet their classmates for the first time. It is a fun and active day!
Parent/Guardian Involvement
Q: How can I support my student(s) at Jackson?
A: There are lots of ways to support your student...
- Join the PTSA!
- Attend HS & Beyond Family Night with your student(s) in October
- Check your student's grades and attendance frequently
- Reach out to teachers when you have questions about assignments or need support
Q: How is High School & Beyond Family Night different for families of high school students?
A: Every October, Jackson hosts an event called High School & Beyond Family Night. The event starts with a Career & College Fair where students can connect with college reps & also learn about trades and different careers. After the Career & College Fair, families are invited to participate in two breakout sessions geared towards a multitude of different high school and post-high school options. Session topics are numerous and cover 4-year college entry tips/information, Paying for College, High School 101, Senior Family Session, etc. We work to offer the same sessions each year, helping our families to get the information they currently need to support their student(s). More information can be found at: High School & Beyond Family Night