• AP



    JOIN YOUR AP CLASS SECTION - This is required in order to take the AP Exam in May. Your AP teacher will provide the join code during the first week of school.

    AP STUDENTS are responsible for logging onto their myap.collegeboard.org account to check their AP Exam Registration status. Students need to pay for their exam AND register for the exam in AP Classroom. Students: Please see Mrs. Wirtz in the main office if you have paid for the exam and are not registered in AP Classroom.   

    PURCHASE YOUR AP EXAMS at the ASB office with a $40 per exam late order fee by Friday, March 14, 2025.

    No exams can be ordered from the CollegeBoard after March 14th.

    Exams are $99 ( AP Seminar and AP Research exams are $147) 

    If you qualify for free or reduced-priced meals: Click here for the required OSPI Low-income Verification Form. Late fees are not covered by the Low-Income Form.

    Once you have purchased your exam, please go to collegeboard.org/apclassroom "Register for Exam" to update your exam decision. This option is unavailable after the October 31st order deadline. Please see Mrs. Wirtz if you purchased your exam after the October 31st early order deadline.

    2025 AP Exam Schedule

    2025 DIGITAL AP EXAMS: Students need to log onto their CollegeBoard account using their school-issued computer prior to exam day. 

    EXAM ROOM information: Visit the JHS website School Calendar to view exam rooms. 

    Noon exams often last well past the end of the school day. AP students are responsible for their own transportation. Please visit the CollegeBoard site for exam timing information. Please check in for your morning exams at 7:30am in the D-wing.  Please check in for your noon exams at 11:30am in the D-wing.

    The academic bus runs Monday-Thursday and leaves at 3:30 pm.  Please request an Academic Bus Pass from your proctor the day of the exam if you wish to ride the academic bus.

    JHS school code is 480711

    Please contact Mrs. Wirtz or your AP teacher with any questions.