
  •  technology
    Technology has the power to enable each member of our learning community to engage deeply in learning. “Technology” is more than a device. Buying software alone does not lead to increased efficiency. Simply supplying a device to each student is not enough to increase achievement. The tools must be purposefully used to have impact.

    Leveraging technology throughout the district’s operations advances efficiency and effectiveness leading to more innovative practices.
    Leveraging technology within teaching equips students to achieve college and career readiness standards. 
    Proficient in 21st century skills, college and career ready students use critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, citizenship, and character to adapt to the emerging needs of a changing world.

    Everett Public Schools is setting a vision for technology transformed learning throughout the system. Through a coordinated effort, the vision will allow for each and every member of the organization to thrive. 
    Equitable access to educational technology - in keeping with the community's expectation that "each" student achieve to high standards. These proposals also replace outdated technology and improve the infrastructure to accommodate new technology. These proposals give teachers and students access to a computer. Today’s successful workers are expected to come into their careers skilled using technology, doing research and using common software. The proposals are designed to give students experience and training needed to be successful in the modern economy – and provide teachers with tools and training to use technology to stimulate learning.