• About Our ProgramBalanced Mathematics Flow Chart

    Students need mathematics to solve problems, reason logically, compute fluently, and to make sense of their world.  The Everett Public Schools Mathematics Department is focused on following essential elements to ensure mathematical success for each of our k-12 students.


    • Teaching and Learning. Our program is rooted in effective teaching that engages students in meaningful learning through individual and collaborative experiences that promote their ability to make sense of mathematical ideas and reason mathematically.

    • Access and Equity. Everett Public Schools Mathematics Department requires that all students have access to high-quality mathematics curriculum, effective teaching and learning, high expectations, and the support and resources needed to maximize their learning potential.

    • Curriculum. Ensuring the rigor, coherence and focus of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and Standards for Mathematical Practice at each grade level and course are vital to the strength of our program.  Our K-12 mathematics program develops important mathematics along coherent learning progressions and develops connections among areas of mathematical study and between mathematics and the real world.

    • Tools and Technology. We continually seek to increase the integration of the use of mathematical tools and technology as essential resources to help students learn and make sense of mathematical ideas, reason mathematically, and communicate their mathematical thinking.

    • Assessment. Our program ensure that assessment is an integral part of instruction, provides evidence of proficiency with important mathematics content and practices, includes a variety of strategies and data sources, and informs students with timely feedback and opportunities for self-reflection.

    Adapted from NCTM. (2014). Principles to Action: 
    Ensuring Mathematical Success for All