• Outdoor Scavenger Hunt Activity : This link shares a fun outdoor activity for kids to find items on a sunny day! 

    Fitness Activities Book
     : This contains many activities that our students are familiar with as warm ups, movement breaks, and general conditioning and balance skills. I often use the Fitness Alphabet on pgs. 9-10 for warm-ups. Students can spell their name, a pet, or any chosen word for the day and complete the corresponding exercises.



    Tracing Stencils


    This activity helps to develop pre-writing skills by tracing different types of stencils.

    For this activity, you can use many different types of stencils to trace. (Cookie cutters)

    Provide the child with different stencils and have him/her trace inside or outside the stencil.

    The child can also finger-paint inside these stencils.

    Helpful Tip:

    If the child has difficulties with bilateral hand use, you may want to tape the stencil to the surface the child works on.




    Cut the Line


    This activity will help teach the child to control the direction of the scissors (cutting lines) and bilateral hand use.

    Use the ruler to draw 4 inch thick lines across an index card.

    At the edge of each line put a sticker and ask the child to cut along the line you drew all the way up to the sticker.

    When the child is able to cut along an index card easily, repeat the activity using a paper.