Washington State History Curriculum Adoption

  • Washington State History Curriculum AdoptionEverett Public Schools is nearing the end of the curriculum adoption process for our Washington State History course. This committee used Board Policy 2311 and Board Procedure 2311P to guide their decision-making process. The committee is also in process of reviewing the Since Time Immemorial curricular requirements in collaboration with local tribal education leaders.

    As part of the curricular resource adoption process, we are seeking community and staff feedback on our top two resources.  Your feedback will help with the adoption committee's recommendation to the school board in mid-May. 

    Overall, we reviewed three different resources from the following publishers: Gibbs Smith, Educurious, and League of Women's Voters.  The committee voted to move forward with the Gibbs Smith and Educurious materials.  Below, you will find information about both publishers with online access to view the materials.  Please make sure to fill out either the Staff Feedback Form or the Community Feedback Form.  Thank you for your help with this very important process!

Please review BOTH resources and fill out the appropriate feedback form (Appendix).

  • Curricular Resource A: Gibbs Smith: The Washington Journey (2nd Edition)

    The Washington Journey, 2nd edition is the updated version of our currently adopted resource.  The curricular resources include: a student textbook, teacher manual, assessment manual, multilingual support manual. 

    Step 1: Review the resources: 

    • Click Gibbs Smith Education to get to their website. 
    • Please fill out the information to enter the system.  

    Step 2: Fill out the feedback form:

    When you complete your review please select the appropriate feedback form: