• Hello! Hello Cedar Wood Families!

    My name is Kyla and I am the School Psychologist at Cedar Wood Elementary. This is my 4th year in Everett Public Schools and my 15th year as a School Psychologist. I love to problem-solving aspects of the job of a School Psychologist as well as supporting students and families with social/emotional and academic learning for all students. I went to graduate school at Seattle University and went to undergrad at Seattle Pacific University. I have lived in the Puget Sound area my whole life and currently live in the Silver Firs area. I am looking forward to working through this unique school year with you and the rest of the Cedar Wood Team. 

    We are all experiencing a new way of learning and a new way of supporting our learners right now. Please see the links under my Web Resources for information and supports related to our current COVID-19 situation and education in general. Please feel free to contact me via email if you have any questions or requests for more information. Take care of yourself and your family and stay healthy.

    Kyla Curtright Ramos
    425-385-7712 - Cedar Wood Elementary