The Multilingual Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century, ELPA21, was the assessment used in Washington State to determine a student's eligibility for Multilingual Learner services until the 2020-2021 school year. During the 2021-2022 school year, Washington state is transitioning to new Multilingual language development assessments: WIDA Screener; WIDA ACCESS for ELs; and WIDA Alternate ACCESS.
When a student first enrolls in Everett Public Schools, parents complete a Home Language Survey. This survey asks what language is spoken in the home, and what is the child's first language. If the answer to either question is a language other than English, the student takes the WIDA Screener. This brief assessment determines a student's skill in listening, speaking, reading, and writing English. If the student scores at an overall level 4 or below, the student qualifies for support through the Multilingual learner program. If the student scores at an overall level 4.5 or above, the student does not qualify for support through the Multilingual learner program.
Multilingual learners are re-assessed annually using the WIDA ACCESS or WIDA Alternate ACCESS each spring. Their scores on this assessment determine whether they continue to qualify for support through the ML program for the following year. Students continue to qualify for ML support based on the levels determined by the state. Once a student scores at a level or proficiency determined by the state, the student is exited from the ML program. However, student progress is monitored for two additional years, and support is provided if the student has difficulty in classes.
Exit criteria will be determined by the state and updated as soon as it is available.