Sequoia High School

    Sequoia High School
    Sequoia High School is an alternative high school for grades 9-12 in Everett Public Schools. Sequoia is a small high school of approximately 150-200 students. It offers a personal, family-like learning environment where students and their teachers work side-by-side on a first name basis.
    The school year is divided into 8 terms which allows students to have a more flexible schedule, requiring a minimum of only 3 classes at a time. Students can also take up to 6 classes, which provides the opportunity to get ahead or catch up on credits if needed. Individual graduations occur throughout the school year when each student is ready to graduate.
    For more information, call the main office at 425-385-5100 or check out Sequoia's website!
    Interested in enrolling? Click here to learn more.
    Program Type: In-Class, High School Diploma
    Cost: FREE
    Ages: 14-21 (must be at least 14 & not yet 21 by Sept. 1)
    School Address: 3516 Rucker Ave, Everett WA 98201
    Program Contacts: Main Office: 425-385-5100 
    Jack Roy, Principal: 425-385-5190,