Welcome to High School Growth Mitigation Committee

  • Purpose
    The High School Growth Mitigation Committee was convened to recommend to the superintendent revisions to high school enrollment boundaries beginning fall 2020 to reduce enrollment at Jackson High School, including “complementary and practical program changes, portable classrooms, and minor schedule changes.” The committee met twice a month through March 2019. The committee held community feedback events in November and February. The committee made a recommendation to the superintendent in April 2019. The committee included district and community members and was supported by a facilitator and district personnel.
    Committee formation
    At its August 28, 2018 meeting, the district’s Board of Directors approved the makeup, task and timeline for a committee charged with finding solutions to a classroom puzzle – where and how to provide enough high-quality classroom space for the district’s growing number of high school students.

    Thank you to all the community members who applied for the High School Growth Mitigation Planning Committee and to those who served on the committee.

    The 30-member committee included:

      • Three community members from each of the comprehensive high schools - Cascade, Everett and Jackson
      • Students from the comprehensive high schools
      • Two community members from each of the district's five middle schools - Eisenhower, Evergreen, Gateway, Heatherwood and North
      • Administrators representing the three high schools and five middle schools

    The committee began its work on October 24, 2018 and reported its recommendation for solutions to the superintendent April 19, 2019 – in time to give high school families across the district a year of preparation for the changes for fall 2020.

    The committee has finished their work and submitted their final recommendation to the superintendent. An open online comment period from April 23 - May 16, 2019 has now closed. The school board approved the final recommendation presented at the May 21, 2019 board meeting.

    The following board and community presentations, and the summary of public comments during the three community conversations held in May 2018, provide helpful information used by the committee. Minutes from committee meetings and comments from the five community forums can be found in the QuickLinks to the right. 
    February 27, 2019 committee meeting - Alternative schedules meeting presentation
    February 27, 2019 committee meeting - Portables information meeting presentation
    February 27, 2019 committee meeting - Program review meeting presentation
    Public Comments
    Mike Gunn
    Executive Director of Facilities and Operations