• Foster Education Program

    Everett PFemale student with green notebeook in foreground with group of 5 students in background ublic Schools seeks to create an equitable, low-barrier space of learning for students in Foster Care. We know it is important for our youth in care to access the same education, rights and experiences as the rest of their peers. Students in care can experience many placement changes throughout the year, often enrolling from school to school, creating gaps in their education and lack of school connection.

    In order to rectify this, in December 2016, the federal government passed ESSA, the Every Students Succeeds Act, which mandated that all youth in care receive school rights and support including the following:

    • Continue attending their school of origin (if feasible) - the school they were enrolled in before they were placed in care - or enroll in their new neighborhood school
    • Receive transportation to and from their school of origin (if feasible)
    • Immediate enrollment even if lacking documents normally required for enrollment, or having missed application or enrollment deadlines
    • Receive additional services for which they are eligible, including English learner support, Title I, Special Education, and other programs

    Please note that students in foster care are no longer served under the McKinney-Vento Program but are served in their own separate program that we call the Foster Education Program.

    For Foster Education Program support, help with student enrollment, accessing transportation, and more, please contact:

    Abby Mayers, Foster Care/Family and Community Engagement Coordinator


    Chris Fulford, Director, Categorical Programs
    Foster Care Liaison

    Who qualifies?
    Foster Care Eligibility Flowchart

    Educator Resources
    Educator's Guide to Supporting Youth in Foster Care

    College Resources
    Best Practices for Foster Care Higher Ed (OSPI)
    Educational Training & Voucher Program (ETV) - WA State Dept. of Children, Youth and Families
    Foster Youth Transition Toolkit (U.S. Department of Education)

    Treehouse Partnership
    Did you know we have Treehouse's Graduation Success Program at all of our high schools? For referrals, contact your student's social worker or Foster Care Coordinator at AMayers@everettsd.org. Learn more about the Treehouse Graduation Success Program here.

    For more information on ESSA and other laws related to students in foster care, please visit:
    RCW 28.A.225.330

    ESSA - Every Student Succeeds Act Q & A

    OSPI Foster Care Guidelines

    Ensuring Educational Stability of Students in Foster Care (U.S. Department of Education)