• Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports (PBIS)


    What is PBIS?

    Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports help ensure schools are safe places to learn, work and grow together. PBIS practices help schools be welcoming places for each student’s learning, social development and life-long success.  PBIS is a nationally recognized, research-based framework that supports schools in building a positive school-wide cuture.  

    PBIS schools encourage good behavior through prevention, not punishment. In PBIS schools, students learn about positive, successful behavior, just as they do about math, science, reading and other academic subjects. In a PBIS school hallway, you might see brightly colored signs calling out positive behaviors – RESPECT, BE ON TIME, LISTEN, BE COURTEOUS, for example.

    In PBIS schools, everyone knows what positive behavior looks like at all times and in all places – in a classroom, in the hallways, on the school bus, in the lunchroom. Behavior expectations are the same for each student. PBIS schools balance individual rights with civic responsibilities by setting expectations for behavior which will help students be successful in school, in our communities and in society as future responsible citizens.

    Those who have studied PBIS schools report using PBIS practices improves the way all students behave, and it cuts down the number of detentions and suspensions. Students get better grades. Some studies show PBIS may reduce bullying.

    How does PBIS work?

    PBIS includes three tiers:

    1. In Tier 1, everyone, students and staff learn basic behavior expectations – for example being respectful and kind to each other. Good behavior is called out and recognized, and it may come with rewards. Support for “doing the right thing” is positive.
    2. Tier 2, is an extra layer of support for students who might struggle to understand or consistently do “the right thing.” A student who repeatedly interrupts others might get specific instruction in social skills and effective communication as a Tier 2 support strategy. Before PBIS, that student might have been sent to the principal’s office, reprimanded and then sent back to class with no instruction about why interruption is harmful to learning or how to stop doing it.
    3. Tier 3 is the most intensive level. Students and families in this level work with school staff in specific, individualized services to overcome behavior issues.

    What PBIS is not:

    PBIS is a “framework,” not a curriculum. This means the basic philosophy of encouraging, supporting and teaching positive behavior can be adapted to work in different schools in different areas and at different grade levels.

    Staff in Everett Public Schools have been working for two years to personalize our framework so it works in our schools, with our students and our families. Specific practices, strategies, or rewards may be different in different schools and at different grade levels, but the goal is the same. Our schools are to be safe places in which students can learn and grow together to become successful, responsible citizen leaders of the future.


    Common Tier 2 Interventions:


    While each school will have a myriad of Tier 2 interventions to support students depending on students, some common Tier 2 interventions will be implemented across all Everett Schools. 


    Tier 2 Interventions



    ·       Check in/Check Out (CICO)

    ·       Class Pass

    ·       Social Skills Development Group

    ·       Behavior Pacts

    ·       School-Home Note Program

    ·       Self-Monitoring

    ·       Check & Connect

    ·       Check in/Check Out (CICO·       Class Pass/Break Pass

    ·       Social Skills Development Group

    ·       Behavior Pacts

    ·       Self-Monitoring

     The goal of Tier 2 interventions is to provide students with the right support for a sufficient time to help the child self-regulate and engage in the classroom environment.  Each building works within a Tier 2 team system to identify students who would benefit from short-term Tier 2 supports and to determine which intervention best matches the student’s need. 


    Who do Contact?

    If you believe your student would benefit from Tier 2 interventions, please contact your school’s administrator and/or counselor for more information about the Tier 2 process at your student’s school.