- Everett Public Schools
- Title I Annual Update
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Please Share Your Thoughts!
Call: 425-385-4030Chris Fulford
Director, Categorical ProgramsEverett Public Schools is a Title I District
Emerson, Garfield, Hawthorne, Jackson, Lowell, Silver Lake and Madison Elementary Schools all participate in the Title I Program. Title I, Part A is part of the Every Student Succeeds Act. Its goal is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards.
Our Title I schools qualify for federal grant money which we use for additional staffing, parent involvement, staff development, and extended school day opportunities to help us meet that goal. This update is intended to provide you with important information about this law and your child’s education.
Please contact the principal if you would like more information about Title I activities or parent participation at your child’s school.
District and School Report Card Information
Are you interested in knowing how your child’s school did on state assessments? How different groups of children performed compared to other schools? You can find out by going to washingtonstatereportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us. The Report Card contains information about test results as well as other statistics about the school. To find results for Everett Public Schools, use the box for the School or District Name under the line reading I want to see data for a school or school district, type in the name of the school or district, and press go.
Citizen Complaints
If you believe that the law that applies to federal programs like Title I has been violated, you have the right to file a complaint. First contact your child’s school. If you can’t reach a solution, you can file a Citizen Complaint through the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Information on how to do this is attached.
Right to Request Teacher and Paraeducator Qualifications
All parents and guardians have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher(s) or instructional paraeducators. If you request this information about your child’s teacher, the district will provide you with the following:
- Whether the teacher has met Washington teacher certification requirements for the grade level and subjects in which the teacher provides instruction;
- Whether the teacher is teaching under an emergency or other provisional status for which Washington qualifications or certification has been waived;
- The college major of the teacher and any graduate degree or certificate; and
- Whether your child is receiving Title I services from paraprofessionals, and if so, whether those paraprofessionals meet state/federal requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
If you request this information about your child’s instructional paraeducator, the district can provide information about the paraeducator’s professional qualifications as required by ESSA.
If you would like to request this information, please contact Dr. Chad Golden at 425-385-4030.
Parent Involvement Policy
The board recognizes that involvement of parents and guardians (hereafter “parents”) contributes to the achievement of academic standards by students participating in district programs. The board views the education of students as a cooperative effort among school, parents and community. The board expects that its schools will carry out programs, activities and procedures in accordance with the statutory definition of parental involvement. Parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring that parents:
- Play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning;
- Participate and are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school; and
- Become partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
Additionally, to ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community, the board adopts as part of its policy the following guidance for parent involvement at each school assisted by Title I, Part A funds:
- Provide assistance to parents of children served by the school or district, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as:
- Washington’s academic standards;
- State and local assessments, including alternate assessments;
- The requirements of Title I;
- How to monitor their child’s progress; and
- How to work with educators to improve the achievement of their children.
- Provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their children’s academic achievement.
- Educate teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other staff with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of contributions of parents and how to do the following:
- Reach out, communicate, and work with parents as equal partners;
- Implement and coordinate parent programs; and
- Build ties between parents and schools.
- Coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement strategies, to the extent feasible and appropriate, with similar strategies used under other programs.
- Ensure that information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is provided to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, and to the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand. When necessary and upon request, this information will be provided in an alternative format.
School Board Procedure 4215P, which contains more information about implementation of this policy is available at: