- Everett Public Schools
- Enrollment
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I submit an online enrollment application?
Please watch this online enrollment video.
Step by step Parent Walkthrough Video - is also available for Online Enrollment for new families. You can also use this Online Enrollment New Families flyer for more information.
For families with current students, please watch this Enrollment for Existing families Video. You can also use this Online Enrollment via HAC flyer for more information.
For more information and for links to the online application forms in different languages, please visit the General Enrollment Information page.
What documentation do I need to provide?
Proof of Address - Acceptable documents include:
- Current utility bill,
- rental agreement,
- homeowner's policy, etc.
The document must show the parent/guardian's name and address and should be dated within the past 6 months.
Proof of age
Required for Kindergarten or Grade 1 students who have not been previously enrolled in a US school:
- Birth certificate
- A religious, hospital, or physician's certificate showing date of birth
- A passport
- An adoption record
- Previously verified school records
- An affidavit from a parent
- An entry in a family Bible
- Or any other documents permitted by law.
Certificate of Immunization Status
Must be printed either from WA MyIR or a WAIIS Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS), or a copy signed by a physician.
Other documents
May include but not limited to custody and legal documents, medication orders, prior report cards, withdrawal forms, unofficial transcripts.
I do not have my documents yet to upload. What do I do?
You can continue with online enrollment and submit your application. You can bring your documents to the enrolling school and ask the registrar to upload your online enrollment form. You can also email photos of your documents to the registrar email address.
School Email Address Cedar Wood Elementary cedarwoodregistrar@everettsd.org Emerson Elementary emersonregistrar@everettsd.org Everett Virtual Academy evaregistrar@everettsd.org Forest View Elementary forestviewregistrar@everettsd.org Garfield Elementary garfieldregistrar@everettsd.org Hawthorne Elementary hawthorneregistrar@everettsd.org Jackson Elementary jacksonelemregistrar@everettsd.org Jefferson Elementary jeffersonregistrar@everettsd.org Lowell Elementary lowellregistrar@everettsd.org Madison Elementary madisonregistrar@everettsd.org Mill Creek Elementary millcreekregistrar@everettsd.org Monroe Elementary monroeregistrar@everettsd.org Penny Creek Elementary pennycreekregistrar@everettsd.org Silver Firs Elementary silverfirsregistrar@everettsd.org Silver Lake Elementary silverlakeregistrar@everettsd.org Tambark Creek Elementary tambarkcreekregistrar@everettsd.org View Ridge Elementary viewridgeregistrar@everettsd.org Whittier Elementary whittierregistrar@everettsd.org Woodside Elementary woodsideregistrar@everettsd.org Port Gardner portgardnerregistrar@everettsd.org Eisenhower Middle School eisenhowerregistrar@everettsd.org Evergreen Middle School evergreenregistrar@everettsd.org Gateway Middle School gatewayregistrar@everettsd.org Heatherwood Middle School heatherwoodregistrar@everettsd.org North Middle School northregistrar@everettsd.org Cascade High School cascaderegistrar@everettsd.org Everett High School everettregistrar@everettsd.org HM Jackson High School jacksonhsregistrar@everettsd.org Sequoia High School sequoiaregistrar@everettsd.org -
What if I make a mistake while filling out an Update or Enrollment form?
If you would like to make a change, click on the underlined field in the form or click “Previous” to return to a previous page. If you have already submitted your form after you realize that you have made a mistake, you will need to contact the school by sending an email to the school registrar's email address or by calling the school to have them make the change on your behalf.
What if I have forgotten my password for Home Access Center?
If your challenge questions are up to date on your guardian account, you can follow the steps below to reset your own password.
1. Go to Password Management Tool (https://arms.everett.k12.wa.us/)
2. Click on "Need help?
3. Select "Forgot Password" and follow prompts.
- Enter your username: Username is traditionally your first initial, period, last name such as J.Doe for John Doe.
- Answer your security question responses and create a new password.
If you do not know your username and password, open a Tech Support Ticket. We will respond with your login/password by email. Our system will only send information to the email on file with the school.
I am getting an error “You have selected a date after the end of the current school year...”
There are two options for Enrollment forms, one for the current year, and one for the fall. You started the current year form but would like to register your student for the fall. Please go back to the Enrollment website to look for the fall form (it is labelled for the FALL. If there is no fall option yet, then fall enrollment has not yet begun. Traditionally, a new Enrollment form for the upcoming fall is available on the first Monday of March.
I am getting an error about “The uniform entry age for kindergarten in the State of Washington is five years old by midnight on August 31. If a student’s birthdate is after August 31, they start kindergarten the following school year.” However, my student will be 5 by August 31.
Please check the date of birth of the student and grade you entered. This form is checking to see if the student will be 5 years old by the end of the day on August 31 if you are enrolling for the fall, or was 5 years old by the end of the day on August 31 of the last August, if the student is being enrolled in the current school year.
You may also be completing a current year enrollment instead of a fall enrollment. Our Online Enrollment Form is by school year. Please go back to the Enrollment website to look for the fall form (it is labelled for the NEXT school year). If there is no fall option yet, then fall enrollment has not yet begun. Traditionally, a new Enrollment form for the upcoming fall is available on the first Monday of March.
What is the Evaluation Registration Code? How do I know the code I enter?
Only families who answered Yes, their student is enrolling for Special Education Evaluation purposes only are asked to enter an Evaluation Registration Code. These students do not intend to attend public school and are evaluated for Special Education Services by District staff. They were instructed to fill out the form and provided with the code in advance. If you believe that this applies to you, or you have lost your Registration code, please contact Special Services at 425-385-5261. If you are planning to attend school during special education evaluation, please answer “No” to “This student is enrolling for Special Education Evaluation purposes.”
No Zoned School Identified message.
This can mean that the home address entered is not within the Everett Public School’s boundary, that you have a newer address, or that the automated process is not able to identify your neighborhood school. You can continue to submit an enrollment application by checking the box “I would like to enroll at a school other than my Neighborhood school.” For out of district students, or requests for other schools unrelated to district program placement decisions, enrollment is dependent on the school transfer application process.
I selected Transitional Kindergarten as grade, it is asking for qualification code. How do I get the code?
The Transitional Kindergarten program is handled by our P-5 Instruction & Early Learning team, families of students who are screened into and the Transitional Kindergarten Program will be provided with the Qualification code before they enroll their student. If you have forgotten your code, please call 425-385-4024. If you are not approved for Transitional Kindergarten program, once you select a different grade level, the qualification code box will disappear.
Can I switch schools after I have enrolled?
If you are interested in having your child attend a school that is outside of your designated neighborhood (residence) school attendance area, please view the School Transfer Information Page, or call 425-385-4070.To request a school transfer for kindergarten:
- At your neighborhood school, you must:
Register for kindergarten - At the school you are requesting to attend, you must:
Submit a school transfer request
- At your neighborhood school, you must:
How do I continue an online form that I have already started?
If you started the form from inside Home Access Center (Annual Updates, or New student forms for families with existing students):
Log back into the Everett Public Schools Home Access Center (HAC).
From there, you will want to go to the registration tab, and look for the link to the form. Click on the Dashboard icon at the top-right. There is a link for each student. You should see a link for an in-progress form.
If you started the form by using the buttons on the Enrollment page (New families and students returning to Everett Public Schools) :
Log back into the Enrollment system using the username and password you created when you started the form. Click on the Dashboard icon at the top-right. You will see a link to the in-progress form for your student on the dashboard of the enrollment system, and you can continue from there.
What if I do not know what a question on the form is asking?
Please contact the school directly to ask any questions about what the questions on the form mean, or the Enrollment/Annual Update process. During the month of July, open a Tech Support Ticket.
What are the next steps after completing entering information into an Enrollment or Update form?
When you have finished entering your information, click “Submit.” This will send all the information you have entered to the school. If you cannot click on this button, you will need to make sure that you have answered all the required questions.
How do I find out the bus schedule for my student?
In our district website, click on the “Bus Routes” Icon, then go to the “Find my school & route” icon. Enter your complete address to find out bus route. If your student is not planning to take the bus or has alternate transportation schedule on some school days, please contact our Transportation office at 425-385-4144.
Where can I find the supply list/What supplies do I need?
Each schools supply list will be available on the school website either under QuickLinks on the homepage or under “Our School” then “School Supplies”
What are the school hours?
School hours will be found on your school’s website at the bottom of the homepage.