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Everett Memorial Baseball Stadium seating upgrade (completed)

This project includes upgrading or replacing approximately 182 seats behind home plate. 
  Location   Funko Field
  Estimated project cost  
  Estimated completion   2021
  Funding source   Baseball Reserve Fund

February 16, 2021
The new seats have been installed and the project is complete.

January 12, 2021
The new seats are scheduled for installation starting on February 9. 

December 4, 2020 
The contractor has ordered the seats. Anticipate seats will arrive in February or early March.

November 5, 2020
The submittals have been reviewed and sent back to the contractor. 

October 22, 2020
The contractor has inventoried the existing seats to be replaced and is ordering the new seats. 

September, 24, 2020
Two vendors have been asked to provide quotes for this project.