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Elementary Progress Reporting
Everett Public Schools schedules face to face parent conferences in October and March to allow teachers and parents to partner in supporting student progress. In addition to the fall and spring conferences and updates directly from the classroom teacher throughout the school year, a formal progress report is sent home in February and June.
In these reports teachers share progress of student growth as measured by grade level standards in mathematics, communications, reading, writing, science, social studies, fitness, health, visual arts, and music. Washington State adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in literacy and mathematics.
In each area the year standards will be listed. Each semester has clear instructional focus and those assessed areas will have a score reflecting a student's current performance level. Teachers will also indicate if a student has made significant, steady or minimal progress over the course of a given semester.
Elementary teachers also take care to provide feedback on how well students exhibit the 21st Century Skills.
View our Elementary Progress informational letter and example progress reports by grade level and program below: (Letter translations Spanish: Russian)
Kindergarten K-English , Spanish, Russian First G1-English, Spanish, Russian Second G2-English, Spanish, Russian Third G3-English, Spanish, Russian Fourth G4-English, Spanish, Russian Fifth G5-English, Spanish, Russian HIGHLY CAPABLE PROGRAM Second Highly Capable G2HC-English, Spanish, Russian Third Highly Capable G3HC-English, Spanish, Russian Fourth Highly Capable G4HC-English, Spanish, Russian Fifth Highly Capable G5HC-English, Spanish, Russian DUAL LANGUAGE PROGRAM Kindergarten Dual Language English, Spanish First Grade Dual Language English, Spanish Second Grade Dual Language English, Spanish Third Grade Dual Language English, Spanish