Everett Public Schools is proud of its well-earned reputation as a leader in providing a safe physical environment for students, staff and parents. Everett Public Schools is committed to providing an indoor environment that is safe, healthy and conducive to learning. The following are key areas of focus.
Indoor air quality
A component of Everett Public Schools and its ongoing safety and health program includes the proper management of the indoor environment in which students learn and employees work. Additionally, it is the intent of Everett Public Schools to comply with all Federal, State and Local Health regulations pertaining to the management of the indoor environment of Everett Public Schools facilities.
The presence of indoor environment stressors such as air contaminants, thermal discomfort, poor lighting, and noise can result in employee and student symptoms of discomfort and illness. The occurrence of these symptoms may affect the health and well-being of building occupants. Fortunately, indoor air environment problems can usually be mitigated or avoided through improvements in housekeeping, ventilation, building maintenance, and control of contaminant emission sources. Acceptable indoor environments, energy management, and an environment conducive to learning are parallel goals and are not mutually exclusive.
The success of the indoor environmental program is contingent upon the concerted team effort of all employees, students and parents of Everett Public Schools. Comments, questions and input are welcome and may be directed to Molly Ringo, Director of Maintenance, at 425-385-5200.
Integrated pest management
Everett Public Schools intends to comply with all Federal, State and Local regulations pertaining to the management of vegetation and/or pests. Through the integrated Pest Management Program, Everett Public Schools promotes a prudent approach in dealing with environmental concerns and the establishment of levels at which action is taken. The program does not rule out the use of pesticides, but requires their use to be thoughtfully considered.
Comments, questions and input are welcome and may be directed to the Maintenance & Operations Department, at 425-385-5200.
Compliance With Washington State Department of Health Regulations
Everett Public Schools and its ongoing safety and health program includes the proper management of interior and exterior school environments in which students learn and employees work. Additionally, it is the intent of the district to comply with all Federal, State and Local Health regulations pertaining to school facilities and food service operations.
The health regulations under which schools must operate with respect to non-employees are contained in the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Section 246-366. Employee health and safety issues are addressed through the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries per WAC 296. Comments, questions and input are welcome and may be directed to Molly Ringo, Director of Maintenance & Operations, at 425-385-5200, or Joanna Peeler, Food and Nutrition Manager, at 425-385-4380.
Asbestos management
Everett Public Schools and its ongoing safety and health program includes the proper management of the maintenance and disposal of asbestos and compliance with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations.
Using qualified and certified inspectors, Everett Public Schools has identified all friable and non-friable asbestos containing building materials located in District facilities. All friable materials that present a potential health hazard have been properly removed. The district has developed a comprehensive Operation and Maintenance Program with a goal of preventing fiber release episodes and the requirements for necessary notifications should an event occur. Each district building maintains an inventory of asbestos containing building materials for that building. The inventory is available for public inspection and can be obtained by checking with the building office. Questions may be directed to the Everett Public Schools Maintenance & Operations Department, at 425-385-5200.
Compliance With State and Local Fire Codes
Everett Public Schools constructs, maintains and operates schools and support facilities in accordance with the International Fire Code and regulations issued by local jurisdictions. The Everett Fire Department, Snohomish County Fire District One and Snohomish County Fire District Seven conduct periodic inspections of district facilities in order to ensure compliance and the district collaboratively works with these agencies in order to ensure the safety of personnel and facilities. Comments, questions and input are welcome and may be directed to the Maintenance & Operations Department, at 425-385-5200.
Playground safety
Appropriate playground equipment selection, installation and maintenance are key components in ensuring elementary school safety. There are many standards and guidelines schools must comply with, including new accessibility issues under Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Through the Washington Schools Risk Management Pool (WSRMP), the Everett Public Schools Maintenance & Operations Department ensures personnel are trained and certified as Certified Playground Safety Inspectors (CPSI). Through this program, staff learns about Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and ASTM guidelines and public playground best practices in preparation. Prior to any playground equipment being placed into service, it is inspected by a certified inspector and equipment is maintained in accordance with established standards.