Teen-Specific Resources

  • Teen and young adult housing options Housing resources in and around Snohomish County.

    Youth Housing Help Call (425) 877-5171

     Safe Place  

    Teen & Young Adult Drop-In Resource Center Ages 12-24

    Under 24 and need connections to resources today?

    Call: 425-740-2945

    U-Turn is open from 2:00 to 6:30 Monday through Friday with staff on site who can help you!

    Located at 3530 Colby Ave, Everett.

    3530 Colby Avenue
    Everett, WA 98201
    (425) 877-5171

    Washington Homeless Youth Handbook
    A resource for youth, social workers, shelter staff, school personnel, medical personnel, law enforcement and anyone else interested in understanding options available to help youth without stable housing. 

    Schoolhouse Connection - Youth Connection Student Resources
    Here you will find resources written by students, for students, that are designed to help you succeed in K-12, higher education and life. Here you will find: Homeless Definitions | Applying for the FAFSA | Understanding Student Loans | Applying to college | and much more.

    Legal Counsel for Youth and Children (LCYC)
    LCYC provides free civil legal services to young people between ages 12-24 who are experiencing, or at risk of, housing instability. Housing instability includes, but is not limited to: homelessness, couch surfing, struggling to access emergency shelter, temporarily living with friends or family, facing eviction, or feeling unsafe/unwelcome at home. 

    Page last updated Thursday, February 6, 2025