
  • When will Highly Capable testing be administered?

    During the months of November-January, each elementary school will be administering the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and IOWA Assessments to students in grades 1-4 who have been referred and written consent provided by a parent/guardian. This referral process is separate from the screening process that takes place in the fall. Once parents are notified of the testing dates at their student's school, please note that attendance is important. If your student, however, is ill, please do not bring them to school on the testing day. It is the parent/guardian's responsibility to contact the Highly Capable office within 24 hours of the missed testing date to reschedule the test at a later date during the testing window. Please send this notification to highlycapable@everettsd.org.

    What will students experience during Highly Capable testing? 

    Trained proctors will guide students through the CogAT and Iowa Assessments online using Chromebooks and headphones at the student's school. The students participating will have regular breaks and will be going to lunch and recess with their classmates. The tests will take the majority of a regular school day and do not require any special preparation or studying. However, along with emphasizing the importance of attendance, you can encourage your student to answer all the questions, relax and do their “best work.” It’s always helpful for students to have a good night’s sleep before a test and a healthy breakfast in the morning.

    Currently, the oral instructions and questions on the Highly Capable tests (CogAT and Iowa Assessments) are delivered in English only. They are not available in multiple languages at this time. The tests, however, do not require reading skills in the primary grades (1-2). Directions and questions are delivered orally via headset. 

    What happens after Highly Capable testing?

    The window for testing runs from November-January. Once the window closes, a multidisciplinary selection committee composed of the Highly Capable Program director, school psychologist, director of assessment and research, principals of schools with a Highly Capable classroom, teachers of highly capable students, and other appointed professionals make the identification and placement recommendations of students for the program. Identification and placement is based on academic assessments, a cognitive assessment, and teacher input. The committee reviews multiple data points for each student, substituting a numbering system for names to protect confidentiality. Parents will receive a letter following the committee meeting with test results and the committee’s recommendation for placement in a Highly Capable classroom or continued placement in the general education classroom. 

    For inquiries, contact: 
    Highly Capable Program
    Krystal Gil, Administrative Assistant
    Lindsey de Carteret, Administrative Assistant