- Everett Public Schools
- Overview
Welcome to our CTE Community Portal
Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses prepare students with technical, academic, and 21st Century skills for success in the workplace and in further education by ensuring ALL students have opportunities to explore in-demand career pathways. Our programs are for students currently in middle and high school!
Next Steps for My Student
My student is in Elementary School
Continue to foster a love of learning in STEM!
Talk to your student about future careers that might interest them!
My student is in Middle School
Look into middle school STEM & CTE opportunties available for your student, such as:
- Career-con in the Spring
- Field trip opportunities
- Lunch time VR Career exploration
Register for STEM/CTE classes, such as:
- Digital Manufacturing
- Exploring Graphic Arts
- Exploring Industrial Technology
- Exploring Robotics
- Integrated Technology 1 and 2
- Robotics Technology 1 and 2
- Coordinated Science
My student is in High School
Encourage your high school student to look into courses in the following CTE Programs of Study when it's time to register:
- Business and Marketing
- Communication and Information Technology
- Education
- Energy and Sustainability
- Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing
- Family and Consumer Science
- Health Science and Medical
Your student can also look for career-based field trip opportunities, participate in our summer Everett Career Link program, or they can always talk to their career center for additional information.
Learn more about our programs here and ask your counselor about registering for classes!
CTE in Everett Public Schools
MS Planning for Download
HS Planning for Download
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