- Everett Public Schools
- Programs and Services
Birth-to-Three Transitions
At the age of 3, children receiving Early Intervention services have the opportunity to be evaluated by their school district. These evaluations determine if a child qualifies for special education services within the school setting.
Transition Timeline:
- Three months before child's 3rd birthday - the family, Family Resource Coordinator, and Everett Public Schools Early Learning Transition Facilitator meet and review evaluation procedures, obtain demographic information, and discuss family concerns. An evaluation is scheduled for a day within the next few weeks.
- 8-10 weeks before child's 3rd birthday - the family meets with the Birth-to-Three evaluation team. The team observes the child and gathers information from the family and records to determine if testing is needed, and in what areas. An evaluation is conducted, results are analyzed, and the family is provided with an evaluation report. If eligible for services, the child's evaluation is sent to an IEP team.
- Within 30 calendar days of evaluation results - an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting is held. The IEP team develops goals around identified areas of disability and discusses placement options based on Least Restrictive Environment factors. Services range from walk-in services to half-day Developmental Preschool. Students found eligible for district services must have an IEP by their third birthday.
OSPI Transition Timeline Requirements
For families and students:
Procedural safeguards in multiple languages
Part C to Part B Transitions - OSPI
For Family Resource Coordinators and agency Directors: