Beginning with September 2014 board meetings, videos are stored in
BoardDocs. (Staff are working to link to previous board meeting videos so that you can find those in BoardDocs as well.)
Below are links to board meeting video and audio recordings prior to September 2014.
Video recordings
Because of their large size, the videos are posted to an offsite server. Please be aware this service,, does not filter its videos. Therefore, in compliance with the Child Internet Protection Act, the videos linked below may be blocked on most school district computers.
Please note the school board meetings last several hours. Therefore, the video sizes are very large, and your ease of access will depend upon your computer and network speeds.
Audio recordingsAudio recordings of the meeting from 2009 to 2012 are available in mp3 format. Once you download the file, you can listen to the file when you want. The file can also be transferred to your MP3 player for listening at any time and any place.