
  • Meet the School Board 2024-25

    The Everett Public Schools Board of Directors is a key part of the “public” in public education. The school board, district staff, and our community are partners on behalf of the communities' children and their education. Schools and our community nourish each other; active citizen interest guarantees public schools' excellence. To support this partnership, the school board encourages community members to attend each month’s board meetings, which are typically scheduled twice a month with some variation. If you have a disability which makes it difficult to participate in a board meeting, please notify the superintendent's office three working days in advance of a regular meeting so accommodations may be arranged.
    Voters elect five board members to represent the public’s views on how education should be governed locally. Each member serves a six-year term. Together, directors are responsible for establishing the district’s goals and policies. The board is the governing body that approves the district budget. The superintendent is the board’s chief executive officer. The superintendent and district staff carry out the board decisions.
  • School Board of Distinction 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

    Board of DistinctionThe Washington State School Directors Association (WSSDA) honors outstanding school boards that demonstrate commitment to improving student learning and adhering to governance best practices. In 2024, the Everett Public Schools Board of Directors earned this prestigious honor for the ninth time.

    This recognition reflects their exemplary commitment to ongoing professional development, addressing opportunity gaps, and practicing governance aligned with Washington School Board Standards. The award highlights their dedication to expanding opportunities for all students, from dual language programs to classroom support, helping close gaps that impact student success.

    And, in 2014, was named Board of the Year. Read more