Superintendent's Message, January 6, 2025

  • Ian Saltzman

  • Happy New Year from Everett Public Schools! 

    Welcome to 2025, Everett Public Schools families, staff, and community! 

    As we begin this new year, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for this community. This is a time for reflection and renewal, and I am filled with excitement for the year ahead.  

    As our work continues on our district’s strategic plan, this next part of the school year we will advance the strategic initiatives outlined below: 

    • Supportive Culture: Enhancing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in every school, while integrating social-emotional learning, ensures our schools are welcoming and inclusive environments for all students.
    • Effective Instruction: Continuing to implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support across disciplines and optimizing instructional practices to prioritize personalized learning, exploration, and mastery.
    • Equitable Access: Expanding participation in high-quality early learning programs from preschool through third grade to provide a strong foundation for academic success.
    • Consistency and Accountability: Establishing clear expectations and standards for safety while monitoring the effectiveness of essential practices to ensure consistent support for all students and staff.
    • Community Engagement: Developing culturally responsive customer service practices for all interactions with families and the community.
    • Human Capital: Cultivating a culture of excellence through continuous growth and career pathways for all employees. 

    Each of these initiatives reflects our commitment to creating an environment where every student can thrive and achieve. 

    Thank you for your continued partnership and support as we move forward together. 

    Be safe and be well, 

    Dr. Ian B. Saltzman
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