- Everett Public Schools
- School Health Forms
School Health Forms
Medication & Treatment Authorization Forms
If a student has a valid health reason which makes medication administration during the hours when school is in session, or the hours in which a student is under the supervision of school officials, a Medication Authorization form is required. To access forms needed for medication administration at school follow the link to Medication & Treatment Forms.
Health QuestionnairesWe have health questionnaires for common childhood medical conditions that may require emergency medications or treatments during the school day; these conditions are generally considered "life-threatening". By completing a health questionnaire you will provide us with more specific information about your child's medical condition. This information enables the registered nurses to create a health care plan that is tailored to your child's needs at school. Health questionnaires can be found here. We require that each student complete a annual health update every year. This naturally happens at the beginning of the school year or when a new student registers to attend school. This information may be colleted electornically or in paper form via an Annual Health History Form (AHH) that the parent/guardian completes.
Annual Health UpdatesWe require that each student complete a annual health update every year. This naturally happens at the beginning of the school year or when a new student registers to attend school. This information may be colleted electornically or in paper form via an Annual Health History Form (AHH) that the parent/guardian completes.
Student Accident & Sickness Insurance
Information about student accident and sickness insurance can be found here.