Welcome to Equity and Access Advisory Council

  • Equity and Access Advisory Council











    The purpose of the Equity & Access Advisory Council (EAAC) is to provide guidance on significant policy matters affecting district success in implementing the strategic plan and closing achievement, graduation and opportunity gaps.  

    The EAAC strengthens links between the district and communities representing diverse populations; builds partnerships that enhance district work with under-represented groups; supports the strategic plan; and develops, communicates and follows an annual work plan.
    The EAAC’s annual work plan focuses on actions related to: developing intercultural competencies; strengthening culturally-relevant communications; deepening family and community engagement; investing in student advocacy; diversifying our workforce; and eliminating achievement and opportunity gaps.  

    The EAAC: 

    • Builds links between the district and various communities representing diverse populations
    • Builds partnerships that enhance district work with under-represented groups
    • Supports the strategic plan
    • Develops, communicates and follows the annual work plan