Secondary Composting Video Contest

  • In fall 2024, elementary schools successfully implemented their composting programs. Secondary schools began their composting journey in January after returning from winter break.  

    To promote proactive, innovative, and creative student-centered communication about composting, the district hosted a video contest for any interested secondary school student or student team to create and submit a video about the why and how of composting at school to encourage all students to compost in the new year.

  • GMS

    Evelyn Kissinger, Luke Perkins, Aison Lee, Macy Armstrong, Leah Todd, Olivia Kim, Anika Kaushik, Shivanshi Das, Jace Begorre, and Elishua Olea-Gracia

    Gateway Middle School video

  • Runner-up high school video entry submitted by Anwitha Gampa and Ravenna Holland: Jackson High School

  • Flyer