- Everett Public Schools
- Student Wellness Policy
Food & Nutrition Services
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Student Wellness Assessment
As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, the Student Wellness Policy must be assessed every 3-years. The purpose of the assessment is to evaluate each school's compliance with the policy. A survey was sent out during the month of June 2023, below is a summary of the results. For more details please contact the Food & Nutrition Office. You can find the SY17-18 complete assessment here.
Survey Summary
All 27 schools in Everett Public School District responded to this survey.
Do you use the snack calculator to verify that food and beverage items served during the school day meet the nutritional guidelines? (For example: fundraisers, student stores, student events, etc.) (Q1)
Summary of where backup documentation of snack calculator results are kept:
- Of the 8-schools that indicated a ‘Yes’ response in Q1:
- 3 schools maintain documentation in the office
- 2 schools rely on the PTSA (PTA) to maintain records
- 1 school maintains documentation at the Student Store
- 1 school keeps a Google Doc with the information
- 1 school does not keep permanent records
Summary of method of verification if snack calculator not used:
- Of the 18-schools that indicated a ‘No’ response in Q1:
- 6 schools do not have a school store/fundraiser/snack program
- 4 schools order approved items directly from F&N Department
- 3 schools verify snack nutritional information with the Kitchen Manager before offering them to students
- 2 schools check food labels
- 3 schools did not have a standard process
Is Popcorn served to students in compliance with nutrition guidelines?
- 22% Yes (-37% compared with SY17-18)
- 4% No (-3% compared with SY17-18)
- 59% Unsure (not asked in SY17-18)
- 15% N/A (-27% compared with SY17-18)
Using alternative rewards other than food
- Of 27 responses returned:
- 10 schools reported offering alternative rewards (responses include: prizes, games, toys, cards, stickers)
- 7 schools reported offering rewarding experiences (responses include: PJ/Dress Up Day, Lunch with the Principal, Extra Recess)
- 4 schools have a formal Student Recognition Program
- 2 schools allow students to select a non-food item from the Student Store
- 1 school provides snacks on extended learning days
- 3 schools did not provide a response
Vending Machine Concerns
- 23 schools responded with either ‘No Concerns’ or did not have vending machines in their buildings
- 3 schools were concerned with high sugar items, including sugary drinks (i.e. soda/pop)
- 1 school reported interest in more natural and less processed food choices for both students and staff
Nutrition Education Opportunities being offered:
(% of school sites responding in each category)
- 81% Signs in the cafeteria
- 67% Menus given to students
- 63% Information in newsletters
- 22% School garden education
- 7% Health Fairs
- 3% Health class to address nutrition
- 3% Assemblies to educate students about healthy habits
- 3% Unknown
Opportunities available for students to be physically active in addition to PE:
(% of school sites responding in each category)
- 85% Recess
- 78% Stretch breaks during the day
- 74% Afterschool activities
- 22% Before school activities
- 15% Walking school bus
- 3% Running Club
- 3% Other (athletics or clubs)
Student Wellness Initiatives that should be prioritized in the future:
- After school health programs for students (i.e. mindfulness)
- Better breakfast options, especially around cereal
- Cafeteria signage that is more developmentally appropriate
- Compost options
- Guest speakers
- “Health Expo” at every school
- Information Requested: Examples of how to meet Wellness Policy expectations, Lists that included approved non-food incentives for students
- Mental Health supports
- Newsletter that includes information about nutrition
- Nutrition education & awareness, wholefoods vs processed foods
- Parent engagement with wellness
- Physical Activity (General): Encouraging healthy work out habits, Integrating movement into the day, More activity options for students, Programs before school, more after school programs with a physical activity focus,
- Physical Activity (Specific): Basketball, Brazilian Martial Arts, Heart Challenge, Jump Rope Program, Soccer, Tai Chi, Yoga during the day
- School Gardens: how to grow food onsite, sustainable food programs, using food grown in gardens in the school lunch program
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL)/Calming down/De-Escalation techniques
- Snacks: options for students to have a healthy snack at school, portion sizes
- Stipends for staff who lead after school activities
- Summer Activities
- Transportation for after school clubs (Elementary Schools)
- Walking school bus
Additional Resources that would be helpful:
Responses expressed interest in learning more about: Summer activities available for students, the Nutrition/Smart Snack Calculator, Funding for Healthy Snacks & Events, the approval process for foods at fundraisers, cafeteria Share Bins, incorporating nutrition education into existing student curriculums, snack ideas for student testing weeks, lists of approved non-food rewards, safe routes for Walking School Bus, transportation for students whose parents can’t pick them up, mental health and emotional regulation, activity sheets and lesson plans, and information on pop-corn for the PTSA
Tri-annual Assessment Recommendations:
The responses provided during the tri-annual assessment indicate the district has regressed in several key areas of the Student Wellness Policy. The following recommendations are intended to increase stakeholder engagement and to strengthen outcomes in student wellness:
- Re-establish the Student Wellness Committee:
- Engage support from community members, as well as district representatives, including: Food & Nutrition, Nursing, Physical Education, and Health Education
- Establish a formal committee agenda, with meetings scheduled semiannually:
- Year 1: Goal setting and initiative development
- Year 2: Assess progress towards goals and initiative prioritization
- Year 3: Assess progress towards goals and tri-annual assessment
- Current Student Wellness Policy education and promotion:
- Re-establish partnerships with local school administration and provide education on existing district resources to meet Student Wellness Policy objectives.
- Connect with PTSA groups and hold in-person or virtual education sessions on building Student Wellness Policy compliant fundraisers and functions.
- Partner with Everett Public School’s Communications Department to help build public engagement by developing family focused updates and share successes around student wellness
- Accountability and standards:
- Schedule annual meetings with student stores, contracted vending companies, school administration and other stakeholders to provide ongoing support in meeting student wellness standards
- Re-establish the Student Wellness Committee: