Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program

  • What is the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program?

    The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) provides all enrolled students with a variety of free fresh fruits and vegetables during the school day outside of breakfast or lunch. The goals of the FFVP are to expand the variety of fruits and vegetables children experience, increase children's fruit and vegetable consumption and make a difference in children's diets to impact their present and future health. 

    This unique program is currently available at just two schools; Hawthorne and Garfield Elementary schools. To participate in the program, a school must be an elementary school and have a high percentage of children eligible for free and reduced price benefits.


  • Schedule

    The program operates Monday -Thursday except on early release days. Each classroom determines the time that works best for their classroom environment.


    Taster Bites!

    Many of the items that are served during the program are designed to be a taster bite to expose students to something new. A few items that have been featured include: Dragon Fruit, Star Fruit, Candy Cane Beets, Mini Cucumbers, Persimmions and so much more.