- Everett Public Schools
- September 3, 2024
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Superintendent's Message, September 3, 2024
Dear families, students, and staff,
I hope you have enjoyed a restful and fun-filled summer break with opportunities for learning and growth.While students and staff spend time outside our school buildings during the summer, many still participate in various learning programs offered by Everett Public Schools.
I am incredibly proud of the 825 students who took part in our Summer Academy. I also applaud the students who engaged in weekly learning activities through Everett Public Schools' Summer’s Greatest Hits online learning program.
I want to extend a huge congratulations to the 35 students who worked diligently to graduate on August 15! Our summer graduation ceremony was a special event, where families, staff, and the School Board of Directors came together to celebrate their accomplishments.
Additionally, more than 1,000 students participated in Everett Ready last week, a transitional program designed to prepare incoming kindergarten students for elementary school. After seeing the students in action, I can confidently say they are ready for a fantastic start!
Our dedicated staff has worked hard over the past month to ensure a smooth and successful beginning to the new school year. We are looking forward to a year filled with new adventures, experiences, and robust learning.
Our incredible team of teachers, administrators, and staff is ready to welcome your child to school on September 4, and we cannot wait for an amazing year of learning together.
Thank you for your continued partnership. I wish you a wonderful start to the school year!