• How To Participate in Play and Learn by Age Group - This is a great resource for families to guide their participation at Play and Learn!
    • Math Anywhere has created play-based math interactions to explore with your child in the world! Explore some of the math ideas and use them to introduce and develop math concepts with your child! Resources are available in Spanish as well!
    • Learn about Serve and Return from Harvard's Center on the Developing Child.   Learn more about what serve and return is, the science behind it, and how easy it is to help build strong brains by engaging in serve and return with a child.
    • Zerotothree.org - This website has many resources to guide parents and caregivers of children from birth thru age three, including information on bitingtoileting, challenging behaviors, etc. 
    • Help me Grow - Across the nation, Help Me Grow offers families seamless access to community services and supports so they can easily connect to the resources they need, when they need them.  The Help Me Grow Washington network represents a growing, powerful coalition of communities and individuals invested in building an organized system of community resources to help families and children thrive.  They also have a useful Developmental Screening available online.
    • Too Small To Fail - Babies doing math? That’s right! The roots of early math skills begin developing from birth, through babies’ everyday play and interactions with parents and caregivers. These early math skills have a big impact on children’s school readiness—in fact, research has found that a strong understanding of early math concepts predicts both a child’s future math and literacy skills.
    • PBS for Parents - Every day is full of possibilities and so is your child! Get activities and tips you can use to help kids learn at home.
    • Vroom Brain Building Activities - Vroom Tips help you do more with your shared moments.  Add learning to mealtime, bathtime, bedtime, or any time with fun, free activities.