- Everett Public Schools
- Kindergarten
P-5 Instruction & Early Learning Programs
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- Overview
- Early Literacy Screening - Dyslexia WA Law
- Challenging Options - LEAP & Highly Capable
- ECEAP Preschool
- Other Preschool Options
- Kindergarten
- Resources for Preschool and Kindergarten Readiness
- English Language Arts
- Health and Fitness
- Math
- K-12 Science and Engineering
- Social Studies
- K- 12 Visual and Performing Arts
Everett Ready
In Everett Public Schools, kindergarten starts with Everett Ready!
Everett Ready is a transition program offered in August for all students preparing to enter kindergarten in September.
It provides an opportunity for students to become familiar with the school campus, the staff, and their kindergarten peers. The program supports positive, consistent experiences for all children and families with time and space to learn school routines and practices.
Everett Ready
- offers a safe environment before the start of school and the arrival of students in grades 1-5
- offers a welcoming introduction to elementary school for families and students, relieving many first day anxieties
- provides school staff with critical information about students’ strengths and learning needs, allowing planning for individualized instruction.
- gives families an opportunity to meet staff, discuss kindergarten readiness and receive educational support around helping their students become school ready.
- provides an opportunity to connect students with necessary district resources.
- provides an opportunity to begin collecting student data around kindergarten readiness.
Enrollment for 2024-2025 kindergarten school year is open. Enroll online: www.everettsd.org/kindergartenenrollment.
For information, contact us at 425-385-4290 email P-5earlylearning@everettsd.org or contact your student's school directly.
P-5 main contact number: 425-385-4024.